Fred 'M.S.' DudekFred 'M.S.' Dudek

D.O.B. 1950
Born: Transylvania
Occupation: Ignition King
Spouse and free loaders (kids): Jenny and 2 kids, one of each
Favourite Music: Mozart and Beethoven
Favourite Food: Anything baby!!!
Best racing moment: Way to many to pick one (True - Ed)
Toys in the garage: Falcon Super Gas and C30 Chevy truck.

Having a friendship dating back to 1973, Fred has always been in the Turner's life somewhere.  He and trusty side kick Jenny (child hood sweet hearts I might add...well that's Fred's version anyway...) are now Officially In-Laws of the Turners.  You know what they say about choosing your friends right?

Fred had a very distinguished racing career way back, and had won more Super Stock races than anybody in the country.  His savvy racing skills and ability to tune his cars put him well in front of the opposition on many many occasions.  He won more races than he lost.  He traveled all over the country with several Holden based cars and was an actual terror (yep, he was - Ed) whenever the Dudek team rolled into a venue.

'M.S.' has more than several racing stories to keep our team regaled for hours at a time.  Fred's capacity within our team is an over seer for Vinnie, and to pass on his racing knowledge/savvy to all of our crew guys, as some are a bit green in the sport, but already they are rising to the tasks needed and with Dude's calm and explanatory nature, they are learning heaps.

Steve Turner


Portland-Ringwood-Bollards-etc 077