Purple Haze car

This was the second and last time that we ran the Purple Haze car.

In the first couple of shots, it seemed like a normal day at the races. Warmed the engine, everything checked out just fine. The Pom reported everything felt fine for him, so we decided, lets give it a lap.

You can see the boys strapping the Pom into the car, the car on the start line.....then you can see the damage from the lap. At about the 300 foot mark, the engine just self destructed. Big time. You can see by the pictures, there was not a lot left, not a lot at all.

It was about 12 months after this, that Tony Thomas and I decided to start the whole program again, analyse what we had, where we wanted to be and how to get there.

An even easier part of the puzzle was when Murph told us we could have his old car. Voila...problem solved.

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